Husband and Wife Photography Team

Working as a husband-and-wife photography team has influenced our photography style, and business brand. Jeff brings the talent, and technical expertise, while I’m sensitive to creating a stress free, comfortable, and relaxed photo session.

Unquestionably, the greatest value added to our business is who we are as a couple. Our love for one another, and photography is evident. This informs how we view, and capture life. It has also assisted in our ability to effortlessly establish trust with our clients, which then allows them to have an enjoyable photo experience.

When you are able to gain your clients trust in you, and your abilities as a photographer, the client becomes less self-conscious, relaxed, and more comfortable with following your directions. Now, you have created the perfect situation to capture the best images.

Wedding photography is what I enjoy most. To be entrusted with the privilege of memorializing one of the most significant events in a couple’s life brings me no greater pleasure. I love anticipating, looking for, and waiting for those jewel moments to be captured. It’s in a “glance, an embrace, or laughter” between individuals who are sharing in this moment and time. I recognize that were it not for this occasion, these individuals may never have their pictures taken together again.

Another one of my passions is capturing life through words. This poem was written in celebration of Taliyah’s and Saul’s union.

Love Story on My Heart

Today you start

Writing a love story on your heart

Take a moment to pray

Lord be with me this day

As I give myself away

As I willingly leave what was

To start a life with the man I love

Allow this moment to be forever sealed

In my heart

For the times that I may feel

We are drifting a part

Write a love story on my heart

That will always take me back to the start

Of our love story

My wedding day

I will forever play this day

In my heart

In my mind

Reminding me of this moment in time

That I began writing a love story

On my heart

Meant to last until

Death do us part.

By: Carole Carnie

Written For: Taliyah and Sauul

02/19/2022 ©️V1-2022


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