Tricks for Looking Thinner in Photos

We have all seen photos of ourselves where we weren’t happy about our appearance. It’s easy to be your worst critic, but it’s even easier to make small changes in how you pose for photos to look slimmer and more confident.

  1. Low angles are a no-no. Nobody looks good when they’re photographed from below. Photos taken at this angle make you look heavier and shorter and more likely give you a bit of a double chin. Instead, take pictures from a side angle or from above.

  2. It’s all in the jaw. It might feel somewhat awkward at first but try practicing moving your chin up slightly and your neck forward so that it accentuates your jaw.

  3. Think before you get dressed. What you wear plays a significant role in how you look in photos. Avoid bulky or baggy clothing that doesn’t fit you well. While darker clothes look slimmer, you also want to go with brighter colors. Stay away from patterns that draw attention to your problem areas, and always avoid horizontal stripes.

  4. Angles & posture are instant wins. You will always look slimmer in photos if you twist your body slightly to create an angle. Place one leg in front of the other and keep your weight on your back leg. Put one hand on your hip and keep your other arm relaxed at your side, not pushed up against your body. To accentuate your collarbones, stand up straight and go your shoulders back.

  5. Sit correctly. If you’re sitting in a photo, try crossing your ankles instead of your legs. It makes you look leaner and shows less of your thighs.

  6. Stick to the middle. Taking a group shot? Try to avoid the end of the group if possible, as people standing on the edges of the group always look a little bigger.

Remember that confidence also makes a big difference to your photos, so don’t forget to smile naturally and let your beauty shine through.  

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